
June 18, 2013

Most Women Denied Abortions Have No Regrets, According to Study

Diana Greene Foster
"Gina" found herself pregnant and unmarried.
When she went to the local abortion center, the ultrasound showed she was at 23 weeks, too far along for a legal abortion. Just a few weeks later she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.  Now Gina says her daughter is "more than my best friend, more than the love of my life.  She is just my whole world."
Gina's story is consistent with the results of a study conducted by Diana Greene Foster, a demographer and an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of California, San Francisco. Researchers interviewed 200 women who had been turned down for an abortion. Ninety-five percent said they had no regrets about having the baby.
Carrie Gordon Earll, CitizenLink's senior director for issues analysis, said pro-abortion activists often tell women that having their babies will ruin their lives, but that's just not true.
"For too many women, abortion seems like the only choice," she said. "But when they get to the other side, and they have the baby, they find that those circumstances may still be challenging — but the reality of the baby in your arms trumps the problems that you see when you're looking at and considering abortion."
Contact: Kim Trobee, Source: CitizenLink