
June 7, 2013

House Bill Would Limit Speech of Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

Source: CitizenLink
Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) sent a letter to federal lawmakers Wednesday warning them about the unconstitutional nature of a bill that would require the Federal Trade Commission to monitor the speech of local, nonprofit pro-life pregnancy resource centers.
"Pregnancy resource centers provide compassionate support and real choice for the mother, her family, and the community," said ADF Senior Counsel Casey Mattox. "They should be free to share their message,"
In its letter, ADF reminds members of the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce that these charities are protected by the First Amendment.
"We would encourage the House to carefully consider the constitutionality of this proposed law and the experience of localities in adopting similar laws," the letter states.
Similar laws enacted by local governments across the country mandate that pro-life centers post messages discouraging women from using their free services. None of the laws affect abortion sellers.
"At a time when regulating the abortion industry should be the focus, pro-abortion advocates continue to try to silence pro-life pregnancy centers — a true source of choice for women," said Carrie Gordon Earll, senior director of Issues Analysis for CitizenLink.
Abortion activists are concerned that these pro-life centers could harm abortion sellers, Mattox added.
"The real worry of the abortion lobby and some in Congress is that pregnancy centers will serve people for free and give them lasting help, cutting into the bottom line of big abortion sellers like Planned Parenthood."
Read ADF's letter to the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce regarding H.R. 2030.