
June 28, 2013

Giving more freedom to dangerous drug raises questions

The U.S. Supreme Court is telling the Oklahoma Supreme Court to think twice about its decision on the use of an abortion drug.
Oklahoma's high court struck down a law that stipulates that RU486 must be dispensed according to guidelines established by the Food and Drug Administration. Most abortion clinics do not adhere to those guidelines. Americans United for Life General Counsel Ovide Lamontange tells OneNewsNow the U.S. Supreme Court wants Oklahoma to answer some serious questions about its decision.
"The Food and Drug Administration issues protocols and instructions for various drugs," he says. "That's how the drugs are supposed to be used in every other setting in health care, and that's the way it should be for abortion as well."
So he is saying an abortion drug should not be given a pass.
"The abortion industry isn't about logic," he adds. "It's about making money. It's about exploiting women. It's about taking advantage of the poor and those women who are victims of their greed. And so they want a special class treatment for bringing abortion about."
That is in spite of the fact that using RU486 has caused at least 14 women to die and more than 2,000 others to be hospitalized due to serious side effects. After the Supreme Court gets answers to the questions, the justices will decide whether to accept the case.
Contact: Charlie Butts, Source: