
May 24, 2013

Time may be right for pain-capable pro-life law

Congress is being asked to pass a bill that would ban abortions if the baby is capable of feeling pain. It has been introduced in the House by Congressman Trent Franks (R-Arizona).
The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act would ban abortions after 20 weeks. Douglas Johnson of the National Right to Life Committee tells OneNewsNow it is an important bill.
"It's a more ambitious piece of legislation than Mr. Franks' original bill," he notes. "But we think that this is the time to push forward with this because of the public outrage and the revelations coming out of the trial of Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia and other revelations about other abortionists that seem to be coming to light."
For years, alternative media such as OneNewsNew have reported on what abortion does to babies and on a slew of atrocities from various practitioners.
"Some of these abortion practitioners have had their licenses suspended multiple times, and yet they keep getting them back," Johnson says. "Others have had criminal convictions, and yet they keep performing abortions. There are a lot of Gosnells out there, and I think that as the public becomes aware of this and the violence and the brutality of what they do to unborn children, the support for this legislation will continue to grow."
A national survey done by the Polling Company in March showed 64 percent favor and 30 percent oppose the legislation.
Charlie Butts   (