
May 30, 2013

Number of born-alive abortion babies goes underreported

Contact: Charlie Butts   Source:
An estimated 1,200 babies are born alive during abortions each year -- but one pro-lifer says that may be a conservative figure.
Bradley Mattes of the Life Issues Institute suggests the number is likely higher, because live births during abortions are typically not reported, as abortionists will make sure the baby dies. That is, after all, the business they are in.
If the newborn baby does not die on his or her own, "then the abortionist or his staff will take it upon themselves to kill them directly, which has been done in a number of gruesome ways," Mattes tells OneNewsNow.
He suggests Americans should be outraged enough to "demand accountability and demand justice." But if the public remains silent, he predicts "an explosion" of brutal deaths late in pregnancy.
"The abortion industry is going to feel like they've got carte blanche to go ahead and kill as many babies as they want to," Mattes predicts.
He believes, however, the one accomplishment of the Kermit Gosnell murder convictions is that it has galvanized the pro-life movement and those who were sitting on the sidelines to support legislation to end late-term abortions.
Life Issues Institute describes itself as a non-profit international organization "dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through pro-life education."