
May 16, 2013

IRS Harassed Pro-Life Leaders from Pharmacists For Life International

In the wake of the mushrooming IRS scandal, it was learned today that the widening circle of pro-life leadership hit with attempted harassment and intimidation by the IRS has included at least two members of the officers and board members of Pharmacists For Life International (PFLI).

PFLI disclosed today that at least two of its officers and board members have been subjected to ongoing harassment and intimidation attempts by the IRS through continued and costly nuisance audits and threatening letters over a period of months and years.

The two, who are not being identified at present, have generally come away with clean audits and demands for information by the IRS, often with ugly threats of reprisal, confiscation of money and property and inconvenient arrangements for audit reviews and meetings. At least one time, the harassing audit proved to yield a larger REFUND for one of the two individuals, much to the consternation of the IRS.

The cost alone of legal and accounting representation can run into the tens of thousands of dollars for a simple review.

PFLI is the only professional association of pharmacists, interns, technicians and the lay public which is exclusively and 100% totally pro-life. The group has been highly vocal for years over the approval of various abortifacients-- misnamed as so-called 'contraceptives' -- and the regime's attempt to eliminate all rights of conscience for pharmacists and allied health care providers.

PFLI was instrumental in having the illegal diktat by then-governor Rod Blagojevich of IL overturned in court after it was mandated in 2005, with the tacit approval of abortoholic then-Senator Obama. Two IL members of PFLI were in that lawsuit that prevailed over the now-imprisoned Blagojevich.

PFLI will continue to educate the profession and the public over the true mechanisms of action of abortifacients posing as so-called 'contraceptives' and in fighting for the unfettered rights of conscience of all pharmacists and allied health professionals to follow their sincerely held religious and moral beliefs to not be involved in ANY manner with the use of drugs to destroy human life via abortion, euthanasia and infanticide. PFLI has provided low cost vitamins and supplies to hundreds of crisis pregnancy help centers and their clients for almost 30 years.

Contact: Dr. Bogomir Kuhar, PharmD, Pharmacists For Life International, 740-881-5520