
May 13, 2013

Abortionist Gosnell found guilty on 3 murder counts

A Pennsylvania jury has convicted abortionist Kermit Gosnell on three counts of 1st-degree murder.

Gosnell, who had performed late-term abortions under appalling unsanitary conditions in a Philadelphia clinic, was found not guilty on a 4th murder charge, but guilty of involuntary manslaughter and a host of other lesser charges.

The grisly details of Gosnell's business had shocked and outraged those who heard of the case. But the abortionist's trial has received little attention from American's mainstream media outlets.

Gosnell was accused of brutally killing babies who survived late-term abortions, allowing unqualified personnel to perform medical procedures, dispensing inappropriate medication, improper storage of fetal remains, and other crimes. Government agents who inspected his clinic—originally looking for evidence of illegal prescriptions—were so appalled by the conditions there that they alerted local prosecutors. The clinic, which was patronized mostly by poor women, had not been inspected for years.