
October 5, 2012

41-Month Sentence for Man Who Threatened Fr. Pavone and Other Pro-Life Leaders


Theodore Shulman, a pro-choice activist who in 2010 threatened to kill several pro-life leaders, has been sentenced to 41 months in federal prison.
Shulman, 51, pleaded guilty in May to one count of transmitting a threat to injure another person. The targeted victims named in the case are Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, and Princeton University's Robert George.
In January 2010, as the trial of Scott Roeder, a man accused of killing abortionist George Tiller,  was under way, Shulman posted a comment on the Catholic news site First Things, threatening that "if Roeder is acquitted, someone will respond by killing" Father Pavone and Mr. George.
Father Pavone stated, "I have already publicly forgiven Mr. Shulman and pray for him every day. I also renew, with my friend Bill Baird, known as the Father of the Pro-Choice movement, the joint statement we made years ago rejecting hatred and violence in word and deed between those on opposite sides of the abortion issue."
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Contact: Leslie Palma
Source: Priests for Life