August 10, 2012
News Links for August 10th
Obama reaffirms support for HHS mandate, downplays controversy
WHO pushing for abortion under guise of safety
Limbaugh: ‘what is Planned Parenthood if not a death squad?’ Pittman: PP a ‘murderous organization’
Obamacare: Death Panels
Red Cross sets up blood drive outside abortion clinic
Planned Parenthood, NARAL ‘thrilled’ HHS mandate is now law
Thousands of viewers respond to pro-life TV ad's offer of help
Over 2,400 responses nationwide to Heroic Media's pro-life campaign on BET
Psychotherapist, nun win pro-life awards
'Ugly Black Babies' says Charlotte Abortion Doctor
London abortion clinic seeks injunction against Rosary vigil
Spanish youth on pro-life walk report harassment from activists
India girl dies horrific death after botched abortion