
August 17, 2012

5-state bus tour with IL's Jill Stanek to expose Obama's abortion extremism


Monday, the Susan B. Anthony List announced a five state “Women Speak Out: Abortion is Not Health Care” bus tour through swing states, August 20 to 30.Jill_Stanek-225x297

Led by former Colorado Rep. Marilyn Musgrave and pro-life nurse and whistleblower Jill Stanek, who exposed then state-senator Barack Obama’s refusal to protect live children who survived the abortion procedure, the bus tour will draw attention to President Obama’s extremism on abortion.

The bus tour will travel to 30 cities throughout key swing states of Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, Virginia, and Florida.  National and local pro-life leaders will rally Americans to defeat President Obama and pro-abortion House and Senate candidates including Christie Vilsack (IA), Tammy Baldwin (WI), Sherrod Brown (OH), Tim Kaine (VA), and Bill Nelson (FL). A tentative schedule is available at], where you’ll also find a complete list of bus tour co-sponsors and more on Obama’s abortion record.

Local and statewide pro-life women leaders will join up with the bus at various stops, including: Iowa Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds, Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, Rep. Jean Schmidt (OH-02), Dr. Alveda King, Star Parker, Polly Jordan, wife of Rep. Jim Jordan (OH-04), and pro-life speaker and abortion survivor Melissa Ohden.

Source: Illinois Review