Planned Parenthood is up to another round of embarrassing, taxpayer-funded high jinks -
Washington state college students are getting high-tech condoms in a social media experiment by Planned Parenthood. In a bizarre promotion of "safe sex" bragging social media posts, students received specially packaged condoms, which included a special QR code. The codes can be scanned by smart phones, allowing the participants to "check-in" their sex activities on the website, The various locations of the "safe" sexual activity are then posted on an area map.
And the same day comes word that Illinois Congressman Bob Dold (IL-10) is planning a press conference Wednesday to do what? Defend and stand with Planned Parenthood. Really?
"In response to the growing number of efforts to discriminate against and exclude organizations like Planned Parenthood from participating in health care programs, Dold's legislation would protect the inclusion of any hospital or health care entity that seeks to participate in the Title X family planning program," his office said in a release.
We thought Dold was a moderate on promoting abortion and illicit sex. At least that what conservatives in his district were led to believe. Terribly disappointing, Rep. Dold.
His DC office number is 202 224 4835 and his defense of Planned Parenthood is inexcusable.
Source: Illinois Review