
February 22, 2012

The Illinois Ultrasound Bill and the Women's Health and Safety Act of 2012 pass out of committee

The Illinois Ultrasound Bill and the Women's Health and Safety Act of 2012 pass out of committee

Both the The Ultrasound Bill HB 4085, and Women's Health and Safety Act of 2012 HB 4117 have passed out of committee and are now on the IL House floor.

The Ultrasound Bill HB 4085

This bill provides that at any facility where abortions are performed the physician who is to perform the abortion, the referring physician, or another qualified person working in conjunction with either physician shall offer any woman seeking an abortion an opportunity to receive and view an active ultrasound of her unborn child by someone qualified to perform ultrasounds at the facility, or at a facility listed in a listing of local ultrasound providers provided by the facility, prior to the woman having any part of an abortion performed or induced, and prior to the administration of any anesthesia or medication in preparation for the abortion.

Women's Health and Safety Act of 2012 HB 4117

This bill amends the Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Act and states that any center where abortions are performed, and any other facility where 50 or more abortions are performed in any calendar year, must comply with all of the statutes, rules, and regulations applicable to ambulatory surgical treatment centers.

These are both good pro-life bills and are now on the IL House floor.  It is important that you call your IL Representative and urge them to vote YES on both The Ultrasound Bill HB 4085, and Women's Health and Safety Act of 2012 HB 4117.

To find contact information for your representative, please visit the link below...