
February 3, 2012

Abortion safer than giving birth? Not!

A study that suggests abortion is safer than giving birth is being disputed.


Two researchers -- Dr. Elizabeth Raymond from Gynuity Health Projects in New York City, and Dr. David Grimes of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill -- conducted the study using information from the Guttmacher Institute. Guttmacher is supportive of abortion and is affiliated with Planned Parenthood International.
Dr. Randall K. O'Bannon of the National Right to Life Committee says the study is similar to other information in past years, which pro-abortion groups try to use to counter state women's right-to-know laws that require women seeking an abortion be provided information on the dangers of abortion. O'Bannon says the conclusions of the study are rather fuzzy.
"We do know, for example, that there was a study done in Finland that looked at death rates in Finland from 1987 to 1994 where they've got some more complete records, and they found out that women who had abortions had a three-and-a-half times higher mortality rate than the women who had given child birth within that first year."
O'Bannon also suggests the abortion-oriented study may have more of an international agenda than domestic in that it fits with a major push by United Nations organizations for legalization of abortion worldwide, including Third World countries where it is illegal or limited.
Regardless of the motivation, O'Bannon says what the new study doesn't point out is that when there is an abortion, there is a death -- that of the unborn baby.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow