
December 14, 2011

Abortion = age discrimination


The U.S. House of Representatives is soon expected to act on a bill that would ban the practice of aborting unborn babies on the basis of race or gender, and one proponent believes it will ultimately draw attention to the whole concept of legal abortion.

Though no firm numbers confirm that abortions are sought on the basis of sex or race, Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life says census figures show that the practice is definitely afoot in the U.S.

"Some of our [readers] may have heard about the taped interviews of some of the Planned Parenthood abortion facilities where the caller actually said, 'I'd like to make an offering to Planned Parenthood specifically for the abortion of black babies,' and they actually accepted the donation for that particular purpose," he notes.

But Father Pavone points out that legalized abortion encourages discrimination on a greater level than that of gender or race.

"What about the idea that one should want to abort a child simply because they're a child? In other words, legal abortion itself institutionalizes in the law the discrimination based on age -- that these children in the first nine months of their lives should be disposable," he offers.

HR 3541, the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act, would ban abortions based on race or gender, and Pavone says it awakens the conscience. "All of us need to bring that process further down the road," he suggests. If people recoil at that type of discrimination, then he believes it is time to "take a look at the whole concept of legal abortion in the first place."

The measure includes criminal penalties for abortionists who perform a sex or race selection abortion, and it would establish civil remedies for the mother, father, and maternal grandparents of the unborn children. HR 3541 would also make it illegal to solicit or accept money for the performance of such procedures.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow