October 7, 2011
More to birth-control mandate than meets the eye
Human Life International (HLI) is drawing attention to the fact that a majority of a medical committee responsible for mandating ObamaCare's contraception coverage without co-pay are also monetary contributors to the abortion lobby.
Arland Nichols, national director of HLI, tells OneNewsNow his group determined that none of the members of the Institute of Medicine committee, which is composed of members of NARAL Pro-Choice America and Planned Parenthood, have ever financially supported a Republican or a pro-life candidate.
"They're board members of NARAL; they win awards at NARAL. They're board members of Planned Parenthood; they run Planned Parenthoods," he reports about what is "clearly a very biased make-up for this committee."
In fact, he says 11 of the 15 committee members have clear pro-abortion leanings, but "the recommendation of the Institute of Medicine was accepted wholesale" by the Department of Health and Human Services, and it will be firm by 2012, if not corrected.
"It's going to stand in law, which I think shows one of the failed flaws of ObamaCare as written," Nichols decides. "Basically, they signed a blank check, and committees like this decide what gets paid for [and] what doesn't. You know, it's really taken away from the consumer of healthcare, if you will, and from the patient."
So, the committee's ideological roots are being imposed on consumers, regardless of their religious or ethical beliefs. In addition, the HLI national director points out that the mandate is contrary to the consciences of those in the medical profession who oppose birth control and the morning after pill, as well those of conscience in the insurance industry.
However, even though the public comment period is over, the approval of HR 1179, a bill currently before the House, would provide conscience protections.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow