Missouri's ban on late-term abortions has gone into effect despite the views of the state's governor. Governor Jay Nixon, who supports abortion, did not veto the measure but let it instead go into law without his signature.
Pam Fichter of Missouri Right to Life applauds her state legislators. "We have a very solid, bipartisan pro-life majority in both houses in the Missouri legislature," she explains, "and they were all on board on this vote -- and we have a very comfortable number that we would be able to override any veto...."
The pro-life activist has no doubt where Nixon stands on the issue. "...We don't have any delusion that the governor's changed his position," she shares. "He's still pro-abortion, but he was dealing with the political reality that he was just outnumbered."
Fichter believes the Missouri legislation would be a good model for other states to consider.
"We've seen tremendous successes across the country on protecting human life at a time when we have the most anti-life administration in the history of our country," says the activist. "We're seeing the states become even more motivated and more energized to enact pro-life legislation."
The bill limits late-term abortions with exceptions for the life or significant health danger to the mother.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow