
August 19, 2011

Adult stem cells used to treat presidential hopeful


Texas Governor Rick Perry supports research involving adult stem cells -- and he's demonstrated personally just how strong his support is.

Governor Perry had a spinal fusion and decompression procedure at the beginning of July -- a procedure that reportedly delayed his recent announcement to run for the GOP presidential nomination. But Dr. David Prentice of the Family Research Council says in Perry's case, there was a different twist. (See earlier article)
"Along with that surgery it turns out he had an injection of some of his own adult stem cells into the spinal area to assist the healing," the doctor says.
David Prentice (FRC)While the procedure is experimental, Prentice says there is solid evidence it will be helpful. In fact, a member of the Texas legislature is undergoing adult stem-cell treatment for multiple sclerosis.
Prentice points out the treatments are being used for up to 80 different diseases and injuries. "For things like these sorts of back injuries, for multiple sclerosis, for heart damage, spinal cord injury, juvenile diabetes and the list just keeps going on and on," he says.
Adult stem cells were recently used to construct a whole new windpipe to save the life of a cancer patient. They also are being used to treat stroke injury.
Prentice adds that while adult stem cells are working, "We get a lot of promises about the hope and potential of embryonic stem cells, but those are simply unsuccessful."

contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow