
June 24, 2011

Wisconsin on its way to defunding abortions


Wisconsin lawmakers have sent a bill to Governor Scott Walker (R) that will limit the funds given to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers.
Matt Sande of Pro-Life Wisconsin reports that the budget bill includes a provision to keep $1 million from Planned Parenthood, the state's biggest abortion-provider, and it passed in both houses.

"What it does is [take] those family planning funds and requires them to go to public entities, county public health departments. And then, in turn, it prohibits those public entities, those county public health departments, from allocating any of the funds to organizations or their affiliates [that] perform or refer for abortion," he explains.

Though that does not defund Planned Parenthood, Sande says it is a good start. Also, another provision prohibits the University of Wisconsin hospital system from paying medical residents to train in performing abortions.

"They have...four two-week rotations for the medical residents in the OB-GYN department to go to the Planned Parenthood facility, the abortion mill in Madison, to train to do abortions," the Wisconsin pro-lifer details. "Obviously, that's reprehensible. And to add insult to injury, they're using state funds to do it."

The bill also bars the hospital from performing late-term abortions. In addition, the current program of providing free taxpayer-funded birth control to 15- to 17-year-olds without parents' knowledge or consent will end.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow