
June 10, 2011

Right to life finally gets 'right ruling'


An Ohio federal judge has ruled that that state's law for dispensing the abortion drug RU-486 is constitutional, but that it should be used according to the Federal Drug Administration's (FDA) regulations.
The law was passed in 2004, but according to Ohio Right to Life executive director Mike Gonidakis, Planned Parenthood did not plan to comply.

"Planned Parenthood was prescriptions of the drug. The FDA required no more than 49 days, [or] seven weeks, could the RU-486 be prescribed, and yet Planned Parenthood wanted to prescribe it at a later date," the Ohio pro-lifer reports. "We challenged that in court, and finally, we got the right ruling."

Gonidakis emphasizes that the ultimate goal is for RU-486 to never be prescribed. But if it is to be used, he argues it ought to be done according to federal guidelines for the sake of the women involved.

"Over 1,200 women have been hurt by RU-486, and it's led to some deaths," he notes. "This drug is a dangerous drug to begin with; it shouldn't be even on the market. Yet now, we're able to get these pro-life laws back in place that Planned Parenthood's been trying to block for years."

He concludes the abortion business is motivated by profit, as they can make more money off RU-486 than from surgical abortions.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow