
May 6, 2011

Johnson & Johnson's Sales of Cancer-Causing Birth Control Pills Comparable to Tobacco Industry's Corporate Greed, Says Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer

"Real hatred of women involves their exploitation through sales of cancer-causing hormonal contraceptive steroids," Karen Malec, president of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer.

The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer condemns Johnson & Johnson's and its shareholders' decision to continue selling cancer-causing birth control pills to young women instead of protecting their lives and striving to reduce breast cancer rates.

On April 28, 2011, Dr. Chris Kahlenborn, a medical adviser for the Coalition, presented a resolution at a shareholder's meeting on behalf of a shareholder, Human Life International. The resolution proposed a change in J&J's policy -- that it would not discriminate in employment against breast cancer survivors, including those voicing opposition to the sale of the pill. Shareholders rejected the proposal after J&J's board sent a message saying they "did not believe the resolution is necessary."

World Health Organization scientists' research and a meta-analysis in Mayo Clinic Proceedings show the pill is associated with cancers. [1,2] Use of the pill has been linked to the deadly triple-negative breast cancer. [3]

Kahlenborn's testimony is available here.

"Over 260,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer (in situ and invasive cases) this year," said Mrs. Malec. "J&J's corporate greed is comparable to that of the tobacco industry. How does J&J CEO William Weldon sleep at night?"

Contact: Karen Malec
Source: Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer