
March 18, 2011

State of Pro-Life Legislation in the States

Polling data affirms that more Americans now consider themselves "prolife" than "pro-abortion" with the percentages coming in at 51% to 42% according to a Gallup poll conducted May 7th – 10th, 2009. This pro-life view was voiced at the polls last November resulting in the election of many pro-life legislatures across the states. Pledging their commitment to support the rights of the unborn child, legislators in many states have sponsored a broad range of pro-life bills. These bills range in subject matter from requiring ultrasounds, to parental consent, to stricter abortion clinic regulations, to bills that would outlaw abortions from the point at which the unborn can feel pain, but all are uniformly based on the fundamental idea that life is precious and should be protected at all stages of development.

The following maps will begin to give you a picture of the state of pro-life legislation in the states.  More maps documenting pro-life legislation will be forthcoming.

Contact: Brianna Walden
Source: FRC Blog
Illinois Federation for Right to Life
2600 State Street, Suite E
Alton, IL  62002

Phone: 618-466-4122
Fax: 618-466-4134