
March 11, 2011

Major pro-life bill progresses in U.S. House

Congressman Chris Smith (R-New Jersey) is the lead sponsor of H.R. 3, a bill titled the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act." As a recent guest on American Family Radio's Focal Point, Smith said, “It is a government-wide, permanent ban on all government complicity, except for a couple of very small exceptions for abortion."

At present, Congress fights a battle every session on use of taxpayer dollars for abortion. H.R. 3 would ban federal money for that purpose, putting government out of the abortion-enabling business.

Smith added, "We also have a conscience clause and remedies so that men and women, whether they be in the healthcare profession or hospitals [or] insurance plans … if they are coerced into doing abortions or in any way facilitating, they have a remedy in court pursuant to our bill.”

The bill passed out of the House Judiciary Committee by a vote of 23-14 and is heading to the House floor for consideration, where it is expected to pass. The difficulty in getting the measure into law is the Democratic-led Senate and the White House.

Contact: Charlie Butts

Source: OneNewsNow