
March 16, 2011

Legislative Updates

HB2093 (Amendment to Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act) and HB3156( Amendment to the Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Act) passed out of the Agricultural and Conservation House committee on Tuesday. HB1919 (Ultrasound Opportunity Act) was not called.

Dawn Benhke gave testimony for HB2093 and Peter Breen gave testimony on HB3156 during the committee hearing held at 1:00 on Tuesday.

For more information on these bills, please follow the following links:

HB2093 Amendment to Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act
Extends the list of persons required to report child abuse or neglect to include any physician, physician's assistant, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, medical technician, certified nursing assistant, social worker, licensed professional counselor, office personnel, or volunteer of any office, clinic, or any other physical location that provides abortions, abortion counseling, abortion referrals, contraceptives, contraceptive counseling, sex education, or gynecological care and services. (click here for more)

HB3156 Amendment to the Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Act
Provides that notwithstanding any other statute, rule, or regulation to the contrary, an ambulatory surgical treatment center where abortions are performed must comply with all of the statutes, rules, and regulations applicable to ambulatory surgical treatment centers generally. (click here for more)

HB1919 Ultrasound Opportunity Act
Provides that at any facility where abortions are performed the physician who is to perform the abortion, the referring physician, or another qualified person working in conjunction with either physician shall offer any woman seeking an abortion after 6 weeks of gestation an opportunity to receive and view an active ultrasound of her unborn child by someone qualified to perform ultrasounds at the facility, or at a facility listed in a listing of local ultrasound providers provided by the facility, at least one hour prior to the woman having any part of an abortion performed or induced, and prior to the administration of any anesthesia or medication in preparation for the abortion. (click here for more)