
January 10, 2011

Personhood USA Unveils Petitions in all 50 States, Approaches 1 Million Signatures So Far

     Personhood USA

Personhood USA, a national prolife organization dedicated to legal recognition of the personhood rights of all innocent human beings, has announced personhood efforts underway in all 50 states.


Personhood USA formed two years ago with the intent to assist and empower grassroots volunteers across the USA, helping them to start and coordinate efforts in their own communities to defend the personhood of the preborn human. Exemplifying the passion that exists in America to affirm the basic rights of the preborn child and to stop abortion, Personhood USA has assisted volunteers and helped to gather over 919,000 signatures so far.


In addition to the staggering number of signatures gathered primarily on legal petitions, Personhood USA is assisting volunteers in all 50 states.


"Now in every state in America, prolife volunteers are engaging their communities with the truth of personhood, and are working to change the laws as citizens or lobbying the lawmakers in their state to do their job and protect every person by love and by law, " stated Keith Mason, cofounder of Personhood USA. "We are thrilled to have met our goal to be in all 50 states in just two years, and we are so thankful to be closing in on 1 million signatures defending the personhood of the preborn child."


Personhood USA has proven itself to be a necessary component to winning the abortion battle – in every state in a personhood amendment is attempted, Personhood USA sees victory in thousands of hearts and minds changed, and babies' lives saved. The educational efforts of Personhood USA's undertakings are massive as they have been overseeing the largest prolife educational campaign some states have ever seen, at the lowest cost.


"Personhood USA functions as a support system, giving as little or as much help as needed, and we have truly been blessed by Jesus Christ as He is accomplishing so much through us in just the past two years. We can't wait to see what He does, in all 50 states, in 2011," added Cal Zastrow, cofounder of Personhood USA. "We will keep working hard for the rights of preborn children, knowing that this is the best chance we've ever had to end abortion in America."

Jennifer Mason
Source: Personhood USA
Publish Date: January 10, 2011