
January 19, 2011

Book by former clinic worker indicts Planned Parenthood

Abby Johnson is a former director of a Texas abortion clinic who is now strongly pro-life. She has written a book called unPLANNED, in which she contends people need to understand the abortion mentality, what goes on inside abortion clinics, and how to reach out to others on the abortion issue.

 unPLANNED (book by Abby Johnson)In October 2009, she quit her job at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas shortly after assisting in an actual abortion procedure for the first time. Johnson then joined forces with the Bryan, Texas-based pro-life group Coalition for Life. Her actions -- and her story of transformation -- made national headlines.
Johnson's perspective is unique in that she has witnessed the abortion issue from both sides of the debate. OneNewsNow asked her about the importance of pro-lifers praying on the sidewalks outside abortion clinics.
"Basically, it's showing the community -- and showing these women and men going in -- that what they're doing is morally objectionable," she responds, "and you're bringing that to light. And every time they drive in, every time they drive by, you are pricking their conscience." But people are also impressed that sidewalk counselors are there to help them, she adds.
While Johnson is hopeful pro-lifers will be encouraged by the book, she also challenges abortion supporters read it. "Try to find something that's incorrect," she advises. "Try to critique it -- because everything that I have put in [the book] about Planned Parenthood, we have cited with evidence."
The pro-life activist stresses she is not waging war with abortion clinic workers, but is seeking a way to reach them with Christ. That, she says, is through love and compassion and reaching out to them with mercy.
unPLANNED is published jointly by Tyndale House Publishers, Focus on the Family, and Ignatius Press. In its first 24 hours, the book climbed to the top of several bestseller lists, including Amazon (#8) and Barnes & Noble (#3).

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: January 18, 2011