A story in Corpus Christi's Caller.com yesterday about a Planned Parenthood breaking ties with the national organization dropped an abortion bomb:
The local chapter of Planned Parenthood will drop its affiliation with the national organization and take a new name beginning Jan. 1.
Clients shouldn't notice any changes in prices or services other than the office changing its name to Family Planning of the Coastal Bend, CEO Amanda Stukenberg said.
Planned Parenthood wanted to standardize its operations at all of its agencies nationwide, Stukenberg said.
That included a new requirement for all affiliates to perform abortions, something the Coastal Bend office didn't see as necessary because of abortion services offered by local doctors, Stukenberg said.
"We have never provided abortions," she said. "Our position is that if that is a need in your community, fine. There are far greater needs in our area than abortion. We feel that women here have options. We don't need to duplicate services."
It's unclear how many Planned Parenthood affiliates are following the local chapter's lead. National officials couldn't be reached for comment Monday.
There's no reason to think the affiliate misunderstood PP's mandate, or else the separation would not have gotten this far.
This news has major ramifications across the United States.
RU486 medical abortions will skyrocket, for starters, particularly in PP locations not zoned for in- or out-patient surgery, and along with them webcam (telemed) abortions – if those aren't stopped on the state or federal level.
All nonaborting PPs previously considered "feeders" will now become stopping places.
I imagine that inside the industry, abortion wars are breaking out even as I type, as PP makes a major power play to wipe out independent abortion mills.
This is huge, devastating for babies. Statistics bear out that the more abortion mills there are, the more abortions there are.
Contact: Jill Stanek
Source: JillStanek.com
Publish Date: December 21, 2010