According to Entertainment Weekly, MTV's December 28 abortion reality show "will tackle all sides of the issue."
This apparently means the pro-life perspective will simply get tackled.
The new website, 16 and Loved, sponsored by the pro-abortion group Exhale, states MTV collaborated with it for the program:
16 & Loved is a campaign to give our public support to the 3 young women who told their abortion story on the MTV special – "No Easy Decision" – created for the popular series "16 & Pregnant."…
16 & Loved is brought to you by Exhale, a nonprofit organization which provides the 1st and only national, multilingual after-abortion talkline. We partnered with MTV on the special….
What's more, the "No Easy Decision" website links only to pro-abortion groups (including The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy and, of course, Planned Parenthood) and false and dangerous contraceptive propaganda….
Actually, according to Guttmacher, the pregnancy failure rate of condoms is 17.4%, never mind the failure rate for STDs, some of those deadly.
What's more, pro-abort blog Jezebel reports:
They've also gotten feminist bloggers like Jessica Valenti, Lynn Harris, and Steph Herold (disclosure: all friends of the site and this writer) to live-blog or tweet the show. There will also be a Women's Media Center watch-in.
16 and Loved's Facebook page inadvertently shows how pro-lifers can attempt to balance the spin:
Follow the conversation live on Twitter with the hashtags #16andloved, #WMCwatchin, and #provoice.
Pro-life tweeters can use those same hashtags as well.
Pro-lifers should also contact MTV to express disapproval that pro-life groups were not also contacted to "partner" on this show, if MTV were truly interested in balance. While MTV makes it difficult to email complaints (perhaps someone will have better luck finding an email address), it does host a community forum at which pro-lifers can certainly express themselves.
And while the pro-abortion side focuses on showing approval and love to a teen who has aborted, the pro-life message is to love both the teen and her baby. It does not have to be either-or.
Contact: Jill Stanek
Publish Date: December 27, 2010