Christian author and pro-life apologist Randy Alcorn has responded to this December 14 Associated Press story:
An Aberdeen [Washington] doctor who admitted misconduct with an abortion will keep his license under an agreement with WA regulators…
Dr. John Eiland will pay a $3,000 fine, attend ethics training and be on probation for 3 years. He's an obstetrician and gynecologist with the Grays Harbor Women's Clinic.
The state Health Dept. accused him in February of having an improper relationship with a co-worker in 2006 when he worked at Providence Centralia Hospital. Investigators said he performed an abortion on the woman when she became pregnant. He failed to refer her to another doctor or keep records of her treatment.
Alcorn's enlightening response, on Facebook:
Here is the true story of a licensed physician who kills babies for a living. He has an adulterous relationship with a hospital employee. (What a surprise that a child-killer would act unethically). Then when she becomes pregnant, he performs an abortion on her. He did all this undercover, not keeping records of her treatment because it would have incriminated him. (Imagine a professional child-killer killing his own child to cover up his sins. What a shock!)
Dr. Eiland was found guilty of all this by the state Health Dept. And what is his punishment? Being dismembered like the thousands he has killed? Imprisonment? Loss of his medical license? No. A small fine equal to what he makes in an hour killing children. Plus, he will be on probation 3 years and have to attend "ethics training." This means he can go right on killing other people's children and being well paid to do so.
Is this not a hideous irony? First, why should anyone be surprised that a man who kills children for a living would have a sexually inappropriate relationship with a co-worker and try to cover it up by murdering his own child? This is a man who has spent his life accumulating substantial wealth by murdering other people's children. He does this not occasionally, but daily.
And what message does the WA State Health Dept. send when he is caught doing this? That his biggest crime was this: failing to keep records of his child-killing and failing to refer the killing of his child to be done by one of his colleagues. (It would have been perfectly fine for him to kill one of their children in exchange for them killing one of his, as long as proper records were kept.)
The ultimate irony is the way the authorities attempt to take the moral high ground. The man will be given "ethics training." The way the health department has deemed best to deal with a licensed child-killer is not to eliminate child killing. It is not to take away his license to kill children. It is to send him to an ethics class so that in the future he can kill children without being unethical.
Whom shall we send next to an ethics class? Serial killers? If it seems offensive to even say such a thing, what is an abortionist if not a serial killer? Does the fact that society declares it legal for him to kill children, and the fact that he is well paid by others to do so, in any way change the humanity of the child he is killing, or the moral repugnance of what he is doing in the sight of a holy God?
Shame on the medical profession for calling cold-blooded killers "physicians." Shame on America for arrogantly regarding ourselves as a civilized nation while we endorse the killing of our children. And shame on all Christians who look the other way and pretend babies aren't dying. And shame on all those, including Christians, who year after year go right on supporting political figures who continue to advocate the killing of innocent unborn children.
God help us. We deserve only his judgment, but may he be merciful to us. And may we use what time we have left to repent.
Contact: Jill Stanek
Publish Date: December 27, 2010