
December 15, 2010

Alaska Judge Guts Parental-Notification Law

Planned Parenthood won a partial victory today as Alaska’s parental-notification law took effect without key provisions included.

Superior Court Judge John Suddock refused a request from the abortion giant to block the entire law, but ruled that abortionists will not face fines or prison time if they fail to notify parents before a minor gets an abortion. He also ruled that “designees,” instead of physicians, can notify parents.

The law passed in August with 55 percent of the votes.

Jim Minnery, president of the Alaska Family Council, told NBC’s KTUU that Suddock’s ruling has made the law useless because abortionists will not be held accountable.

“What’s the incentive for a physician?” he said. “It’s basically a suggestion.”

Minnery also pointed out that the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld similar laws on nine occasions.

Source: CitizenLink
Publish Date: December 14, 2010
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