
October 4, 2010

Pro-lifers honor abortion casualties

Today marks the sixth birthday of a nationwide pro-life event.

      Pro-Life Memorial Day (PLMD)

Katie Walker of the American Life League explains that Pro-Life Memorial Day (PLMD) is a time when pro-lifers gather at locations around America "to commemorate and honor the 52 million victims of surgical abortion...since 1973 [when] the Roe v. Wade decision...decriminalized abortion."

Pro-Life Memorial Day is usually held on the first Monday of October, which is also the day that kicks off the Supreme Court's new term. The PLMD is scheduled at the same time to call political and legal attention to "genocide occurring in the womb."

 "We're hoping to refocus the legislators...the justices and everyone in Washington, DC, and around the country on the injustice of abortion and the injustice of all of the different attacks on human beings' lives and really redirect them to that motto that's inscribed on the Supreme Court building which says, 'Equal justice under the law,'" Walker adds.

During today's observance, prayer vigils will be conducted at the Supreme Court building and at various locations around the country.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Date Published: October 4, 2010