
October 1, 2010

Pro-Life Memorial Day to Commemorate Casualties of Roe V. Wade on Elena Kagan's First Day on the Job

          Elena Kagan

When abortion supporter and newest Supreme Court justice Elena Kagan begins her first day on the bench Monday, pro-lifers around the country will be holding vigils and demonstrations memorializing the more than 52 million lives lost through surgical and medical abortion -- the direct result of the Court's Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions on Jan. 22, 1973.

The sixth annual Pro-Life Memorial Day will be held Monday, Oct 4, 2010, at locations around the country, including Washington, D.C. PLMD follows the Red Mass celebrated in Washington, D.C. on the Sunday before the first Monday of October, when the Supreme Court begins its new term.

PLMD seeks to call the attention of politicians and members of the legal profession attending Red Masses nationwide to the injustice of denying legal recognition of personhood to an entire class of human beings because of their size and location.

"The blood of 52 million of our brothers and sisters demands that we end the injustice of abortion and establish in law that all human beings deserve to be recognized as persons," said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.

Pro-lifers will gather to mourn, pray, remember and resolve to end the greatest atrocity of our time.

American Life League encourages PLMD participants to make a special supplication to the Holy Spirit to enlighten Supreme Court justices and all who attend Red Masses, so that the words engraved on the Supreme Court building, "equal justice under law," will become a reality for all Americans.

Contact: Katie Walker
Source: American Life League
Date Published: September 30, 2010