
September 15, 2010

'Year of the Pro-Life Woman'

Dannenfelser: "Voters across America are hungry for conservative pro-life candidates, a sentiment on full display in both New Hampshire and Delaware and only a preview of what we'll see this November."

      U.S. Senate candidate Kelly Ayotte

Today the Susan B. Anthony List congratulated endorsed U.S. Senate candidate Kelly Ayotte on her Republican primary victory in New Hampshire. The New Hampshire Secretary of State's office has declared Ayotte the winner by a margin of 1,667 votes.

"Kelly Ayotte and Christine O'Donnell's wins, combined with the successes of Carly Fiorina and Sharron Angle, continues building momentum for 2010 to be remembered as the 'Year of the Pro-life Woman,'" said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. "In all human rights battles, the messenger matters. As the late pro-life legend Rep. Henry Hyde once told me, it is absolutely vital that we have women in the U.S. Senate on the front lines of the pro-life movement, standing up for the truth that abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women. But with no pro-life women currently there, Barbara Boxer goes unchallenged telling our pro-life men they can't speak for women."

"This will change in November when authentic pro-life women leaders like Carly Fiorina, Sharron Angle, Kelly Ayotte, and Christine O'Donnell are elected. These pro-life, pro-woman primary wins in New Hampshire and Delaware signal that a new pro-life women's movement is making its way to the U.S. Senate."

In the final days of the New Hampshire primary, the SBA List launched a $150,000 independent expenditure campaign highlighting Ayotte's unwavering pro-life leadership, including $50,000 in radio ads, $50,000 in Google web ads and $50,000 in voter mobilization efforts. In the Delaware primary, the SBA List was the first national group to endorse O'Donnell, who defeated pro-abortion Rep. Mike Castle.

"Voters across America are hungry for conservative pro-life candidates, a sentiment on full display in both New Hampshire and Delaware and only a preview of what we'll see this November." said Dannenfelser.

Kelly Ayotte will face Democrat Rep. Paul Hodes in the November general election. Christine O'Donnell will face Democrat Chris Coons.

Contact: Kerry Brown
Source: Susan B. Anthony List
Date Published: September 15, 2010