
September 23, 2010

Personhood Amendment 62 Files Lawsuit to Stop Distribution of Biased 'Colorado Blue Book'

      The Colorado Blue Book

Amendment 62 sponsors filed a lawsuit today against the Colorado Legislative Counsel, attempting to stop the continued publication and statewide distribution of the "Colorado Blue Book".

The Colorado Legislative Council's website states that the purpose of the Colorado Blue Book is "to provide voters with the text, title, and a fair and impartial analysis."

Amendment 62 sponsors and organizers maintain that the ballot information booklet (The Colorado Blue Book), is not fair or impartial, but in fact glaringly biased against Amendment 62. Sponsors attempted several times to change the prejudiced text, in writing and at the public hearing, yet none of their objections were recognized.

"As soon as we saw the text online, we knew we had to do something to stop these lies from going out to Colorado voters," explained Gualberto Garcia-Jones, co-sponsor of Amendment 62 and lawsuit Plaintiff. "First, we were disallowed from including the text of the Amendment in the 'Arguments For' section. The 'Arguments For' section is weak and does not include most of the arguments for Amendment 62. The Blue Book authors didn't stop there, however, and published several falsehoods about Amendment 62. Women could never be denied healthcare for miscarriages with the passage of Amendment 62, yet that is one of the lies our opposition is using as a scare tactic -- and one of the lies propagated by the Colorado Blue Book."

Amendment 62 sponsors even provided letters to Senators from embryology experts and cell biologists, one of whom said that the statements proposed for the Blue book were "political, not scientific", and went on to explain the scientific fallacies of the proposed Blue Book statements, yet the expert statements were disregarded.

"We made several attempts in writing and in person to correct the fabrications in the Blue Book, yet we were largely ignored by the Colorado Legislative Council," declared Leslie Hanks, co-sponsor of Amendment 62 and lawsuit Plaintiff. "Now, our only choice is legal action to keep the State from using our own tax dollars to send lies about Amendment 62 to voters. From recent news articles, we gather that we are not the only group to see the clear bias -- mostly against conservative issues -- in this year's Blue Book. We are only asking for fair and impartial treatment from the governing officials, regardless of their personal feelings."

Contact: Jennifer Mason
Source: Personhood Colorado