
August 26, 2010

Pro-Abortion Blacks Attack Heir to King Legacy: Alveda King Calls for Boycott

      Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and neice Dr. Alveda King

In an appeal to America to boycott the abortion industry, Dr. Alveda King, daughter of Reverend A. D. King and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. responds to the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Rights press conference.

"It is absolutely ludicrous that abortion supporters would accuse a blood relative of Dr. King of hijacking the King legacy. Uncle Martin and my father, Rev. A. D. King were blood brothers. How can I hijack something that belongs to me? I am an heir to the King Family legacy," she said.  "I have a right to stand at the Lincoln Memorial on the 47th Anniversary of my Uncle's 'I Have A Dream' speech. The Dream has yet to be realized. That Dream is in my genes and I carry forward in the fight for equality and justice for all blacks, including those in the womb.  My dad and my uncle gave their lives to ensure that the day would come when blacks would be judged not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character. If they were here, I know they would stand with me in this fight for the lives of those most vulnerable among us," said King.

Other African American leaders are joining Alveda in calling for a boycott of the abortion industry.

"It's interesting to me to hear so called religious people call us the religious right -- but that's okay because they are obviously the complete opposite... they are the religious wrong!  Which begs the question... what God -- if any do they serve?" asked Day Gardner, President of the National Black Pro-Life Union.  "As for me, I serve the God of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac -- the great I AM... Father of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and all things created.  Those of us who serve the one true God acknowledge we are all made in his image. We bow to God's Word when He says: 'Blessed is the fruit of the womb.' If God says children are a reward, a gift and our heritage, then we must uphold that all children are greatly valuable and desirable to God.  So, I ask again... what God do they serve?" 

"More and more of Black Americans understand the eugenic agenda of Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers to control the black birth rate through abortion. And because we understand, we are standing with Alveda King in solidarity, continuing the fight for black life from its earliest beginnings," said Catherine Davis, founding member of the black prolife movement. "I grew up understanding that the King family fought for my right to equality, even as they fought, bled and died for my right to life, free of government sanctioned lynching, restraints, and KKK threats. To believe that they would now stand for the destruction of life in the womb, screams against the legacy these great men left for us all."

"I will stand with Alveda King because she is courageous enough to follow in her uncle's and father's footsteps," said Gardner.  "The travesty of abortion -- especially in the black community is the greatest civil rights battle of our time and we must overcome it -- in Christ, we shall overcome it."

"I have a dream, it is in my genes and I ask all America to stand with me on 8/28 at the Lincoln Memorial and thereafter by boycotting America's abortion industry," said Dr. King.

Contact: Alveda King, Catherine Davis, Day Gardner
Date Published: August 26, 2010