
August 27, 2010

Attorney: AG Holder trying to intimidate pro-lifers

     Attorney General Eric Holder with President Obama

A West Palm Beach abortion counselor and prayer warrior is among six being sued nationwide by Attorney General Eric Holder, but a conservative group believes Holder is abusing his power.

Mary Susan Pine, who has been witnessing outside the clinic in West Palm Beach for 20 years, and her group F.A.C.E. Life face an injunction that would prevent Pine from entering any clinic driveway and would prevent her group from keeping women from entering the abortion facility.

Liberty Counsel founder Mat Staver tells OneNewsNow the case is politically motivated and is based on the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which was passed in 1994. He believes the complaint is baseless.

Matt Staver"In this particular case, I think what the attorney general is doing is trying to placate his radical abortion constituency," Staver suspects. But the National Abortion Federation insists this case is part of a promised crackdown against pro-lifers following the shooting death of late-term abortionist George Tiller last year.

The six pro-lifers have limited resources to fight the allegations, so the Liberty Counsel founder decides that "this attorney general is trying to pick on little people, trying to intimidate pro-lifers," but he assures that his group "will not stand by and allow that to happen."

He notes that the federal office has limited resources and ought to be using those resources to fight important issues like terrorism. But Holder, says the Liberty Counsel attorney, is not doing that. "We will not allow the attorney general to abuse his power," Staver pledges. "It is a misappropriation of the attorney general's power and priorities."

Pine, who is being represented by Liberty Counsel, has been accused of standing in an abortion clinic driveway and blocking a car's entrance -- an allegation she denies. Staver contends the FACE law would not deal with that type of situation anyway.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Date Published: August 27, 2010