July 26, 2010
New DISCLOSE Act Offered, Senate Vote Scheduled Tuesday
As the countdown continues to the November elections – and the prospects of a Republican takeover in both chambers of the U.S. Congress running high – Democrats are determined to pass legislation designed to retain their majority status.
Sen. Charles Schumer, D- N.Y., introduced Thursday a new version of the DISCLOSE Act – a campaign finance bill aimed at reinstating speech restrictions recently deemed unconstitutional by the U. S. Supreme Court.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid then caught senators off-guard and secured a 2:45p.m.vote on Tuesday.
Tom McClusky, senior vice-president of Family Research Council Action, said several provisions within the bill are unconstitutional, in light of its excessive restrictions on free speech and burdensome disclosure requirements for advocacy groups, nonprofits and corporations.
He said conservatives do not like the new version for the same reasons the Supreme Court struck down portions of the original campaign finance law in the case, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission.
To gain the support of liberal Republican senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins from Maine – and the 60 votes needed to pass the measure – Schumer's bill omits special provisions designed to benefit the National Rifle Association, as well as unions.
Yet, the fate of the bill is uncertain, as 60 votes are required for the bill to pass.
"He's looking for a way not to change campaign finance, but to influence the 2010 elections," said McClusky, "which the current scene does not look all that good for the Democrats."
Source: CitizenLink
Date Published: July 23, 2010