A new poll shows that more Americans are in support of overturning the decision reached in Roe v. Wade.
The survey conducted by the Washington Post and ABC shows that even though 60 percent of those polled are in favor of keeping the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in place, the number preferring its overturn has increased to 38 percent.
Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America (CWA), tells OneNewsNow the pro-life results would be higher if respondents would have been told that the court decision "[allows] for abortions up to the ninth month of pregnancy, that it allows for sex-selection abortion, and all the other outrageous things that Roe does."
She believes polls in the future will favor life because of the increasing number of young people who are pro-life. The latest poll, however, was conducted among adults.
"As more young people fall into that category of adults, they will get polled, and it will be found that many of them are pro-life," she predicts. "They grew up seeing ultrasounds, hearing the tragic stories of women who had abortions, and they recognize how devastating abortion is to both the woman and the child."
The CWA president thinks the pro-life movement needs to continue educating the public, including youth, in order to favor life for unborn children. She also feels that pro-lifers should pursue making laws reflecting the reality that unborn children deserve protection.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: May 12, 2010
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