
April 9, 2010

Stupak to Retire -- Will His Turncoat Gang Follow

Stupak to Retire -- Will His Turncoat Gang Follow

News reports indicate Congressman Bart Stupak (D-MI), whose last-minute betrayal secured the passage of Obama's health care takeover, will retire and not seek another term

News reports indicate Congressman Bart Stupak (D-MI), whose last-minute betrayal secured the passage of Obama's health care takeover, will retire and not seek another term. Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee's CEO, Penny Nance, released the statement below in response:

"Congressman Stupak will forever be remembered as the man whose spine cracked at the last minute. He betrayed millions of Americans who trusted he would live up to his word and oppose government funding of abortion. He saw his coming defeat and decided to cut his losses. Now the question is: How many more from his turncoat gang will follow?
"Stupak's retirement will free up pro-lifers to repeal and replace the others in his bloc who caved along with him and voted to fund abortion with government dollars. We urge those Congressman who blindly followed Mr. Stupak into voting for government-funded abortion to follow him again now into their own retirement so that men and women of integrity may take their places in Congress.  We are committed to informing voters and will work hard to ensure citizens have the resources they need upon which to make educated choices."

Contact: Demi Bardsley

Source: Concerned Women for America
Publish Date: April 9, 2010
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