
April 7, 2010



Texas Man Threatens Deadly Force to Stop Abortion

A Texas man faces charges after he filed documents in federal court threatening to use deadly force to stop an abortion if the U.S. Supreme Court didn't immediately act to outlaw the practice

A Texas man faces charges after he filed documents in federal court threatening to use deadly force to stop an abortion if the U.S. Supreme Court didn't immediately act to outlaw the practice, federal officials said Monday.
Erlyndon Joseph "Joey" Lo, 27, of Plano, filed documents there Friday saying his religious beliefs entitled him to use deadly force to prevent an abortion. He listed the name of a clinic, its address and the time he was going to show up -- noon that day.
"I plan on saving at least one human life in Dallas, Texas," Lo wrote.
Click here for the entire article.

New Planned Parenthood Strategy: Skyping Abortions

New Planned Parenthood Strategy: Skyping Abortions

A number of months ago I saw the movie Up In the Air with George Clooney. While the movie successfully relayed deep truths about the inherent relational nature of human beings, in my opinion it did so in a rather dark and somewhat disturbing way. The major character, Ryan Bingham, played by Clooney, had a chosen profession as a “corporate hired gun,” i.e., he was hired to fire people. At one point in the movie, a young college graduate convinced the company CEO that firing could be much cheaper and efficient via computer, rather than the status quo in-person firing meetings. You might guess that the outcome was disastrous, deadly, in fact, with one person jumping from a bridge after being informed by the new college grad she no longer had a job.

Not an organization to shy away from dark deeds or cost savings, Planned Parenthood is taking the deadly fiction from Up In the Air up a notch in real life. The nation’s largest abortion provider is now administering the dangerous medical abortion regime, RU-486, via Skype, instead of in-person consultations with doctors. Click here to hear a Planned Parenthood employee describe how the “telemed” process works.
here for the entire article.

Sales Rep at Drug Company Novartis Pressured to Get Abortion

Sales Rep at Drug Company Novartis Pressured to Get Abortion

A sales rep for Novartis who claims a manager pressured her to get an abortion will be one of the star witnesses in a massive sexual discrimination trial that starts Wednesday. Senior sales
consultant Christine Macarelli is among the first witnesses who hope to show the drug giant treated women as second-glass citizens. "Our goal is to make clear the problems these women experienced are systematic of deep problems across the company," said attorney David Sanford. The class-action suit covers 5,600 Novartis employees who claim the company paid them less than male colleagues and derailed their careers once they became pregnant.
Click here for the entire article.

Atlanta Billboard Vandalized That Educated How Abortion Targets Black Children

Atlanta Billboard Vandalized That Educated How Abortion Targets Black Children
At least one of the billboards in a campaign across the city of Atlanta to draw attention to the way in which abortion targets black children has been vandalized. The billboards read, "Black children are an endangered species," but one was changed to say, "Black Children Are Beautiful."
A CNN viewer on its iReport system noticed the vandalism of the billboard.

The viewer, using the handle caitelle, wrote the billboards have "understandably created a stir on both the local and national level in the past several months."
Click here for the entire article.

Oklahoma Governor Signs 3 Abortion Regulations Into Law

Gov. Brad Henry signed three abortion bills into law Monday.

Gov. Brad Henry signed three abortion bills into law Monday. The first measure makes it illegal to have an abortion based on the fetus's sex. The second measure creates a Freedom of Conscience Act, which bans an employer from discriminating against an employee for his or her abortion beliefs. The third measure regulates the prescription of RU-486. All three measures could be challenged in court.
Click here for the entire article.

Woman Forcibly Sterilized By The State Calls Payoff Offer 'An Insult'

According to the Frederick Douglass Foundation of North Carolina, a woman has rejected a recent monetary offer from Governor Perdue and the state government, after she was forcibly sterilized by the State of North Carolina

According to the Frederick Douglass Foundation of North Carolina, a woman has rejected a recent monetary offer from Governor Perdue and the state government, after she was forcibly sterilized by the State of North Carolina as part of an oft-condemned eugenics program that lasted through the 1970's. Ms. Elaine Riddick appeared publicly for the first time in North Carolina in over two decades as she addressed a crowd at the Upper Room Church of God in Christ in Raleigh on Sunday March 28th. “After a viewing of a documentary at the Upper Room Church of God in Christ in Raleigh, Ms. Riddick denounced North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue’s settlement offer after her civil rights were violated by the state,” said the Frederick Douglass Foundation, which says it supports Ms. Riddick’s position.
Click here for the entire article.
Illinois Federation for Right to Life
2600 State Street, Suite E
Alton, IL 62002
Phone: 618-466-4122