
April 7, 2010

Indiana Right to Life Sets National Precedent with Resolution Denying Democrat Endorsements

Indiana Right to Life Sets National Precedent with Resolution Denying Democrat Endorsements

Indiana Right to Life Sets National Precedent with Resolution Denying Democrat Endorsements

The Indiana Right to Life Political Action Committee today announced that it has formally adopted a resolution denying endorsements to all Democratic candidates as a direct result of recent passage of the pro-abortion health care reform bill with support from Indiana congressmen Brad Ellsworth, Joe Donnelly, and Baron Hill.

The resolution to be applied in the 2010 election cycle reads:

      "Whereas the Democratic Party officially endorses the right to unrestricted abortion on demand; and

      Whereas Democratic leadership continues aggressively to advance federal policies that undermine the right to life of unborn children; and

      Whereas Congressman Brad Ellsworth, Congressman Baron Hill, and Congressman Joe Donnelly betrayed the trust of pro-life Hoosiers by voting for the pro-abortion federal health care reform bill; and

      Whereas the Democratic caucus in the Indiana House, under the leadership of Speaker Pat Bauer, continues to block all legislation aimed at limiting, restricting, and reducing abortions in the state of Indiana; and

      Whereas candidates of the Democratic Party are responsible for the policies and actions of the party and its leadership;

      Be it resolved that the Indiana Right to Life Political Action Committee will grant no endorsements to any Democratic candidates for any public office."

In 2008, Indiana Right to Life PAC adopted a similar but non-universal policy when it opted to withhold endorsements only from Democratic candidates for Congress or the Indiana House of Representatives. The new resolution extends the no-endorsement policy to all Democratic candidates.

"Our leadership anguished over this decision," notes IRTL-PAC chairman Mike Fichter. "Had Democrats like Brad Ellsworth held firm in opposing federal funding for abortion in the health care bill, we likely would have rewarded such action with a bipartisan endorsement policy. Ellsworth's collapse under pressure from the White House and Speaker Pelosi, as well as the collapse of his colleagues Joe Donnelly and Baron Hill, leaves us with no alternative. Leadership matters, and the reality is that Democratic leaders are advancing an abortion agenda at an alarming rate that will only be checked by a Republican majority."

Fichter adds that Democrats who wish to see a return of a bipartisan endorsement policy must work to change the party's platform on abortion and to change its party leadership. "The ball is the the Democratic Party's court," says Fichter. "As long as it continues to advance an abortion agenda, its candidates will not receive our support."

Contact: Cathie Humbarger
Source: Indiana Right to Life
Publish Date: April 7, 2010
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Illinois Federation for Right to Life
2600 State Street, Suite E
Alton, IL 62002
Phone: 618-466-4122