
April 7, 2010

Abortion seeker regrets attacking pro-lifer

Abortion seeker regrets attacking pro-lifer

A 26-year-old Duluth, Minnesota, woman has pleaded guilty on a charge of second-degree assault in accosting a pro-life counselor at a local abortion clinic.

21-year-old pro-life activist Heah Winandy (left) and her attacker Mecelle Talluah Hall. 

Leah Winandy of Pro-Life Ministries of Duluth was counseling when Mechelle Hall of Superior started into the clinic for an abortion.

"She came up to me with a knife and held it at my throat, and my first thought was, 'What if she stabs me?' But then I realized that I know where I'm going," Winandy accounts. "I'm going to be with Jesus Christ in heaven, and the Lord gave me this great peace and calmness."

The pro-lifer adds that when Hall entered the building, she yelled out that Winandy was certifiably crazy. Hall was later charged and pleaded guilty. During sentencing, Winandy was able to read a victim impact statement that she had written, expressing gratitude because Hall had decided to keep her baby, "and that I would love to hold her baby sometime if that was possible, and that I forgive her, and that she needs to seek God's forgiveness through Jesus Christ."

Winandy says the incident would in no way deter her from pro-life counseling in the future as she feels that counseling women who seek an abortion is important. She believes the women are stressed and simply need to know there is an alternative. Hall was sentenced to five years' probation and stated in court that she regrets attacking the pro-life counselor.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: April 6, 2010
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