
April 9, 2010

Abortion Recovery Awareness Month Founder Speaks Out

Abortion Recovery Awareness Month Founder Speaks Out

Stacy Massey is excited to hear the "buzz" regarding Abortion Recovery Awareness Month go around the globe

Stacy Massey is excited to hear the "buzz" regarding Abortion Recovery Awareness Month go around the globe.

"Back in 2005 when Christine Jackman and I founded Abortion Recovery Awareness Month... we had no idea that so many people would wish to be involved. It's such a blessing to see Christians reaching out to those hurting and provide healing resources for women and men impacted by an abortion experience. Each one abortion, through a ripple effect, can touch the hearts of 40-50 people. That's a lot of pain for individuals and families!"

Abortion Recovery Awareness Month (ARAM) was established in April 2005 by Abortion Recovery InterNational, Inc. (ARIN) as a community event for their Affiliates. The month has two goals:

1) to encourage and extend healing opportunities to those hurting after an abortion.

2) to enlighten society to the effects of abortion on individuals and families.

Co-founders Stacy Massey and Christine Jackman believed abortion recovery was just as significant as other awareness efforts.

During the month of April, ARIN Affiliates and Advocates enlighten society by reaching out to others in their community through many different venue.

An Abortion Recovery Awareness Calendar for the month of April is established each year providing ideas and resources.

Abortion Recovery Awareness Month is secular-friendly. It is free of condemnation, judgment or negative connotations.

Although Abortion Recovery Awareness Month is not a political event, ARIN has had amazing support from elected officials, pastors, community leaders and others commending our efforts and encouraging our affiliates around the globe.

Here's just a few of those supporting Abortion Recovery Awareness Month.


1.Governor Rick Perry, Texas
2.Governor Bobby Jindal, Louisiana
3.Governor TIm Pawlenty, Minnesota
4.Senator A.G. Crowe, Louisiana
5.Senator David Vitter, Louisiana

The ultimate goal is to share compassionate abortion recovery efforts with others and offer help, healing and hope!

If you are interested in sharing the goals of Abortion Recovery Awareness Month, please visit the Abortion Recovery Awareness Month website and sign the Principles of Participation guidelines.

To assist ARIN Affiliates, Advocates and others participating, Abortion Recovery InterNational has produced a line of awareness materials which help to promote and encourage healing.

Abortion Recovery Awareness Month:

Contact: Stacy Massey

Source: Abortion Recovery InterNational
Publish Date: April 9, 2010
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