
March 24, 2010

Pro-life American Majority Locked Out

Pro-life American Majority Locked Out

Susan B. Anthony List President: 'If the Executive Order was real, the signing would be on the White House lawn.'

Pro-life American Majority Locked Out - Susan B. Anthony List President: 'If the Executive Order was real, the signing would be on the White House lawn.'

In response to the announcement that President Obama will sign the Executive Order addressing abortion funding in private, with Rep. Stupak and the other self-labeled "pro-life" Democrats looking on, Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser offered the following statement:

"Today's decision to sign the Executive Order behind closed doors reveals much about the seriousness of this President and Democrats' commitment to keep abortion funding out of the healthcare legislation. If the Executive Order solution were real, then the signing ceremony would have to be on the White House lawn--somewhere big enough to fit the massive, bipartisan consensus. 
"The abortion issue was the pivot point for the passage or failure of the entire bill.  These Democrats chose a last minute fig leaf rather than standing up for the pro-life American majority. This pro-abortion president and his enablers who call themselves 'pro-life' want this issue to go away fast.  But they will not keep the newly enlivened, vastly larger pro-life movement at bay, despite the President's promises that all will be forgotten by November.  The Susan B. Anthony List is hard at work with daily reminders. Votes have consequences and for the pro-life betrayers, it will be a quick downhill slide to defeat in November.
"Just four days ago, the Susan B. Anthony List was preparing to defend 'pro-life' Democrats, like Rep. Bart Stupak, in primary and general elections.  In the coming weeks, instead, we will be examining the districts where we can elect a strong pro-life representative who will not crack under pressure."
Politico reported this morning that President Obama will sign the Executive Order in a ceremony closed to press. The guest list includes: Sen. Bob Casey (Penn.) and Representatives Bart Stupak (MI-01), Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-03), Marcy Kaptur (OH-09), Nick Rahall (WV-03), Jerry Costello (IL-12), Chris Carney (PA-10), Steve Driehaus (OH-01), Charlie Wilson (OH-06), Jim Oberstar (MN-08), Alan Mollohan (WV-01), Brad Ellsworth (IN-08), Henry Cuellar (TX-28), and Mike Doyle (PA-14).

The Susan B. Anthony List has spent two million dollars in a year-long grassroots campaign trumpeting support and courage for Rep. Stupak and the other pro-life Democrats through targeted support television and radio ads, 1.3 million automated calls, 60,000 patch-through constituent calls, 1.2 million letters and petitions, and two media tours in pro-life Democratic districts this January, where our message was one of gratitude and support for continued pro-life Democratic leadership. The Susan B. Anthony List ran 'Thank you' radio ads in Rep. Stupak's district and had been planning to present him with a "Defender of Life" award at the organization's annual dinner tonight. The award has been rescinded.

Contact: Mallory Quigley
Source: Susan B. Anthony List
Publish Date: March 24, 2010
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