
March 22, 2010



Pro-Life Movement Vows to Replace Members from Pro-life Districts Who Voted for the Most Pro-Abortion Bill Ever Passed by Congress

A New Congress Is Needed to Restore Abortion Funding Neutrality

A New Congress Is Needed to Restore Abortion Funding Neutrality
Today (Sunday) the House of Representatives passed the Senate health care bill with a multitude of abortion funding provisions and passed the reconciliation bill to increase funding for one abortion funding program. Neither contained conscience protections previously approved by the House.

"FRC Action will seek to defeat many of the Members from majority pro-life districts who voted wrong today, and they will have plenty of free time to realize the grave mistake they have committed on the unborn today with their vote."
Click here for the entire article.

A.L.L on Health Bill Passage: Compromising Human Lives Means Pro-Life Failure in Health Battle

Last night the pro-life movement learned several hard lessons. Foremost among those is that it is never morally acceptable, and often it is not even politically expedient, to compromise human beings' lives in the hopes of saving some others

The following is a statement from American Life League vice-president Jim Sedlak:
"Last night the pro-life movement learned several hard lessons. Foremost among those is that it is never morally acceptable, and often it is not even politically expedient, to compromise human beings' lives in the hopes of saving some others.
Click here for the entire article.

New York State Enacts End of Life Law

The Family Health Care Decisions Act -- signed into law Tuesday by Gov. Paterson -- allows family members or close friends to make medical care decisions for loved ones who are incapacitated

The Family Health Care Decisions Act -- signed into law Tuesday by Gov. Paterson -- allows family members or close friends to make medical care decisions for loved ones who are incapacitated -- replacing a law that essentially forced doctors to provide aggressive life-sustaining treatment to patients whose wishes were unknown -- even when family objected. The law says a close relative or close friend of the patient can be a surrogate and gives standing to domestic partners. The word fetus was dropped entirely -- those issues had sidelined the bill for 17 years.
Click here for the entire article.

Florida Senate Panel Oks Unborn Child Bill

If a pregnant woman is killed, the offender would be on the hook for two deaths, no matter how far along the pregnancy is, under legislation approved by a Senate panel Thursday

If a pregnant woman is killed, the offender would be on the hook for two deaths, no matter how far along the pregnancy is, under legislation approved by a Senate panel Thursday. Some opponents of the legislation fear that the bill would also open the door for charges against doctors who perform abortions. Under the bill (SB 290), if someone causes the end of a woman's pregnancy at any stage by death or injury to the mother, he or she would be charged with the death of the unborn child. Under current law, an offender can only be prosecuted for the death of a fetus if the fetus could live outside of the mother's womb. Under the bill, any fertilized egg would expand the crime.
Click here for the entire article.

Abortions Are Not Healthy, Amnesty International

Abortions are not healthy

Amnesty International released a report today on Maternal Mortality in the United States. I was enthusiastic to see a subheading for a "right to life" until a little further into the report I read that abortion (the procedure that destroys innocent little lives) was included as part of a woman's "right to life."

From page 14 of the report:

"The right to life is protected in a number of international human rights treaties including the ICCPR, which states that every human being has the inherent right to life and that no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of their right to life…the need to employ a broad interpretation of the right to life, which includes public health measures, and has called on states to reduce preventable maternal mortality, including by ensuring access to family planning and abortion, as part of their obligation to protect the right to life under the ICCPR.33 Like all human rights, the right to life must also be guaranteed without discrimination."
Click here for the entire article.

Women and Medical Professionals Ask Court to Intervene in Federal Case to Protect the Right to Conscience

protecting medical professionals from discrimination because they refuse to participate in abortions
Representing Concerned Women for America, America's largest women's advocacy group and four other groups of pro-life medical professionals, attorneys with Advocates International filed a joint motion to lift stay and at last permit their intervention in three lawsuits commenced on January 15, 2009 that seek to invalidate a final federal regulation protecting medical professionals from discrimination because they refuse to participate in abortions. Advocates International is seeking to defend the law against challenges by some state officials, Planned Parenthood, and the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, represented by the American Civil Liberties Union. A stay of the action was issued last year by the Court when the pro-abortion Obama Administration issued its notice of rulemaking to rescind that regulation year ago and also asked the court for time to consider whether it shouldn't rescind the challenged regulation that denies federal funding to any federal grantee who discriminates against any health care providers for exercising their constitutionally and statutorily protected rights of conscience.
Click here for the entire article.