
March 12, 2010



Premature Baby 'Tom Thumb' Born at 25 weeks Weighing Half a Pound Survives

'Tom Thumb'

German doctors have revealed photographs of the smallest premature baby boy to have survived against incredible odds after being born at 25 weeks weighing just over half a pound. The baby, who doctors dubbed "Tom Thumb" was less than the length of a sheet of A-4 paper and weighed a fraction over 9.7 ounces (275 grams) when he was born by Caesarean section 15 weeks prematurely at the University of Medicine at Göttingen in western Germany in June 2009. For 24 hours a day, the child was in an incubator and hooked up to feeding tubes, breathing tubes, a heart monitor, a catheter and a plethora of electronic devices to monitor every vital sign as he faced risks of cerebral haemorrhage or organ failure.
Click here for the entire article from the Telegraph.

Pesky Florida Pro-lifers Bring End to Planned Parenthood Program Funding

Blood Money

After four years of dedicated activism, a group of Florida pro-lifers is celebrating a "David and Goliath victory" after consistent pressure apparently forced a Planned Parenthood program not to re-apply for a county grant.

Planned Parenthood of South Florida and the Treasure Coast has acknowledged it will not request a $50,000 grant from the Martin County Children's Services Council for its La Promesa program, which was aimed at teaching the Hispanic community about contraception and abortion, in fiscal year 2010/11.

While Planned Parenthood blamed "the unrelenting harassment by radical community members" for their decision, local pro-lifers denied claims of harassment, and said they merely exposed the program's uselessness and questionable reporting practices.

Local pro-life activist Ed Daccarett told (LSN) that pro-lifers could not say for sure why Planned Parenthood declined to apply for funding, except "we think that we did such a job in proving that the program was a total waste."
Click here for the entire article from

Biking for Babies 2010

Mike of Biking for Babies

College students Mike Schaefer and Jimmy Becker decided to do something out of the ordinary last spring break.

Instead of the usual vacation, they wanted to give up their spring break year to do something productive for a cause they felt passionate about and came up with Biking for Babies.

The idea was for Mike and Jimmy to bike a 500 mile route across Illinois over their spring break with people pledging to donate money for every mile they rode. Proceeds were donated to worthy pro-life organizations to help the fight against abortion.
Click here for the video.
Click here for the entire article from Pro-Life Action League.