Pro-life groups in Illinois are waging a major battle against a bill designed to aggressively promote abortion.
The "Reproductive Health and Access Act" (HB 6205) is easily one of the most pro-abortion bills that has been introduced in any state, says Matt Yonke of the Pro-Life Action League.
"This bill would essentially entrench abortion as a fundamental human right in Illinois even if Roe v. Wade was overturned," he explains. "[It also] protects abortionists from prosecution in the event of a botched abortion, [and] expands 'comprehensive' sex-ed -- as Planned Parenthood likes to call it -- as far down as preschool."
pro-life sign bigThe pro-life activist says it could also dismantle parental notice when a minor seeks an abortion, which is a previously passed law that has been tied up in the courts for years. It is imperative, says Yonke, that state representatives understand their is public opposition to it.
"I think once they find out what's actually in the bill, we're going to have a lot of representatives opposed to it," he shares. "So I think we've got a great chance [to defeat it] -- especially if all the pro-lifers in Illinois call their reps, get their friends and family to call their reps, and, if it's at all possible, pay a visit to their district or Springfield offices."
Yonke says the bill would represent a massive expansion of abortion -- and he believes the people of Illinois will not stand for it. The Coalition to Defeat HB6205 says the "vast majority" of Illinois' citizens oppose the measure.
HB 6205 was passed out of committee last week and now goes to the House floor.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: March 15, 2010
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