
March 11, 2010

Disabled wary of Obama's plan

Disabled wary of Obama's plan

Disability advocates are raising concerns over President Barack Obama's proposed healthcare bill.

 Disabled in Therapy

The newest plan calls for federal funding of elective abortions through community health centers and also does not provide protection for healthcare workers who object to performing abortions.
Dr. Kathy McReynolds, a bioethicist with Joni and Friends (JAF) Christian Institute on Disability, is troubled by many issues in the latest healthcare proposal.
"There's a lot of wrangling right now in Congress concerning the public money issue and abortions," she notes. "[And] I know the claim, at least right now, is that they want to be able to follow [Congressman Bart] Stupak's recommendations in the House because it more closely follows the law now.
"However," she continues, "the problem is that the Senate rejected that --which means...the language has to be crafted again. So they're trying to make some compromises."
The JAF Christian Institute on Disability was founded by Joni Erickson Tada, a quadriplegic who encourages all believers to stand against the president's latest healthcare proposal.

Contact: Allie Martin
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: March 11, 2010
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