
January 25, 2010


(Referral to Web sites not produced by The Illinois Federation for Right to Life is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.)

Denying Abortion Protesters' Free Speech Rights Proposed for Rockford

Northern Illinois Women's Center logo

ROCKFORD, IL -- City leaders will begin debating Monday whether Rockford should adopt a "bubble law," an ordinance that would prevent protesters from coming within 8 feet of a person or vehicle entering or exiting a health care facility, including the Northern Illinois Women's Center abortion clinic. The sidewalks outside the clinic at 1400 Broadway are a regular gathering spot for abortion protesters and have been for several years. Some protesters pray quietly. Some yell through a megaphone. Some carry Bibles. Some walk back and forth on the walkway with signs bearing anti-abortion photos and messages. Ald. Karen Elyea, who is proposing the ordinance, and City Attorney Jennifer Cacciapaglia, who drafted it, said the law could help increase the level of safety outside the clinic for clients and protesters. Ald. Karen Elyea, who is proposing the ordinance, and City Attorney Jennifer Cacciapaglia, who drafted it, said the law could help increase the level of safety outside the clinic for clients and protesters.
Click here for the full article.

Colorado Personhood Amendment Encounters Historical March for Life Success, Legal Setbacks

Colorado Personhood March

Friday's Colorado March for Life, presented by Colorado Right to Life, was the largest in recent history, with marchers at the State Capitol numbering nearly 1,500. The march was marked by an unprecedented number of teens, with young people making up the majority of participants.
'Personhood' was the theme, with each speaker highlighting the need to recognize Personhood rights for preborn babies from the moment of their biological beginning. The Personhood USA slogan "Persons Not Property" was displayed prominently, and chants of "Roe v. Wade has got to go!" resounded through the streets surrounding the March.
Click here for the full article.

Abortion Groups Attack Faith-Based Charities Providing Support to Pregnant Women

Gag Order Graphic

Amidst budget shortfalls and a busy legislative session, lobby groups for abortion clinics have stirred up a perfect storm for state legislators. NARAL Pro-Choice Washington and Planned Parenthood are pushing for new legislation that would place a "gag order" on faith-based charities providing free support to pregnant women. With support from a half million Washingtonians across the state, more than 45 pregnancy resource centers and medical clinics say this legislation would regulate their organizations out of existence, eliminating approximately $15 million worth of free services (annually) to women facing unplanned pregnancies. In addition, the Attorney General's Office has estimated the bill will cost Washington taxpayers more than a half million over the next four years.
Click here for the full article.

"Honk, If You Were Once a Baby"

NRLC staff members Brittany Able, Luis Zaffirini, and Jonathan Rogers (in the background) were very busy handing out the popular "Stop Abortion Now" stop signs, "Abortion is Not Healthcare" stickers, and flyers promoting the launch of eLobby for Life Week, a nationwide grassroots lobbying campaign

It was a colossal crowd, as huge as it was wired. People were everywhere. Up and down the main thoroughfare and any number of side streets. Can you hear us now, President Obama?

I am in a time bind, today so let me offer just three quick impressions.

I overheard young people (and, as always, they constituted the bulk of the attendees) talking about how their parents had brought them to the March over and over again when they were children. Now as young adults, they were coming with their schools and universities or on their own. I cannot overestimate the importance of the behavior these parents had modeled for their children.
Click here for the full article.

March for Life 2010

Participants in the 2010 March for Life were consistent in their reports of the crowd enthusiasm and size.

March for Life 2010

HUGE. That is all I can say. The largest in recent memory. Some informal estimates at 300,000. In my humble opinion, there were more like 500,000 people attending the March. Pro-lifers swarmed Washington D.C. on a cool but rain free day. The sun even came out at the end of the day while the women from Silent No More gave their testimony. - Jakubczyk on Life

Today, in spite of the weather, I drove to Washington D.C. to partake in the 37th annual March For Life and had an experience like no other. I saw an enthusiastic crowd in very large numbers totally devoted to the life cause, consisting largely of young, fresh faced people chanting, praying, laughing, and enjoying life to its fullest as they marched for their firmly held beliefs.
Click here for the full article.