
November 2, 2009

Stop the Abortion Mandate Urgent Webcast


Abortion industry lobbyists and their allies in Congress are about to ram through mandated government funding of abortion in healthcare reform legislation THIS WEEK in the U.S. House of Representatives.

To respond swiftly to this crisis, the pro-life movement is unifying TONIGHT on a huge nationwide webcast -- and your attendance is crucial: 

WHAT: Stop the Abortion Mandate Urgent Webcast
DATE: TONIGHT, Monday, November 2
TIME: 9 PM Eastern, 8 PM Central, 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific

Just visit: or click here!

"This may be the last chance to block the largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade…"

Join the URGENT nationwide webcast event this Monday, November 2, to prevent Washington D.C. bureaucrats and abortion industry lobbyists from forcing YOU to pay for abortions.

Just visit: or click here!

Concerned Women for America has seen into America's future and produced 9 clever automated phone calls we should anticipate if Obama and Congress succeed in railroading nationalized healthcare.

For example, as CWA wrote when introducing the following call, "Under Obamacare, abortion providers like Planned Parenthood could be the official government 'community provider' for clinics at or near schools."...

Click here for the video.

VIDEO: Are abortion proponents smarter than a 2nd-grader?

Josh Brahm's latest edition of Science Matters is not only hysterical and well done, it is also good ammo to keep in one's back pocket the next time a pro-abort claims the product of the union of human sperm and human egg is not a human...

Click here for the video.