
November 17, 2009


(Referral to Web sites not produced by The Illinois Federation for Right to LIfe is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.)

Using Patients own Stem cells in Therapy to Treat Heart, Lung and Vascular Diseases Show Positive Results

A Florida cardiologist is using stem cell therapy to treat patients who suffer from a range of heart, lung and vascular illnesses. The results have been extraordinary. Zannos Grekos, M.D. uses the patients' own stem cells to treat the diseases. "One's own stem cells offer great potential for the treatment of serious heart, lung and vascular diseases," Dr. Grekos said. "We are seeing remarkable outcomes through this treatment." The process, utilizing adult stem cell therapy, can be used to treat such diseases as congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, ischemic heart disease, cardiomyopathy, peripheral artery disease and severe pulmonary disease.
Click here for the full article.

Abortion Group allowed to Buy Pro-Abort TV Advertisement

An abortion group is preparing to launch a television ad on Tuesday using a rare condition in which a fetus is missing parts of its skull and brain in the hopes of rallying support for covering elective abortion procedures. The ad, which is presented as a stand-up comedy routine, is paid for by the Center For Reproductive Rights. It is slated to air on cable networks in the Washington, DC, market and on Internet news sites starting Tuesday.
Click here for the full article.

Personhood Petition would Outlaw Pills that Kill Babies in the Womb by Induced Abortion

CARSON CITY -- The leader of a Nevada organization that wants to outlaw abortion acknowledged today that passage of its Parenthood amendment would prohibit women from using pills that induce abortion. Olaf Vancura, president of Personhood Nevada, said any birth control pill or other forms of contraception that end pregnancies or destroy "newly formed life" would be outlawed if voters approve the proposed constitutional amendment. Birth control designed to prevent a pregnancy before one occurs would not be prohibited, he said.
Click here for the full article.

Michigan abortionist under pressure

A well-known Michigan abortionist is encountering a new lawsuit for his inhumane methods.

Albert Hodari previously made headlines for disposing of aborted babies in a dumpster. Judy Climer, president of Flint Right to Life, believes pressure is mounting on him partly because of his past.
"I know there's a new lawsuit pending against him, and I don't know if that, along with the fact that he's still on probation from putting the babies in the dumpster... with the mothers' medical records... and then the $10,000 fine that he got for the woman who died as a result of one of his abortions [adds to] the financial pressure and everything [as it] is caving in on him," notes Climer.
The present lawsuit was filed by Caitlin Bruce, who went to Hodari for an abortion and changed her mind before the procedure began. She claims that a worker held her down at Hodari's command as the abortionist forced the procedure which resulted in killing her baby. Among other things, Hodari is charged with medical malpractice, battery and fraud.
Click here for the full article.

Don't Ignore Forced Abortion

One of the few incontrovertible assertions one can reasonably make is that no one supports forced abortion. Yet, coerced abortions, as well as involuntary sterilizations, are commonplace in China, Beijing's protestations notwithstanding. While the Chinese Communist Party insists that abortions are voluntary under the nation's one-child policy, electronic documentation recently smuggled out of the country tells a different story. Congressional members of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission heard some of that story Tuesday, two days before Obama was slated to leave for Asia, including China, to discuss economic issues. Among evidence provided by two human rights organizations, ChinaAid and Women's Rights Without Frontiers, were tales of pregnant women essentially being hunted down and forced to submit to surgery or induced labor.   Also, read: In China, Abortion is NOT Always a Choice
Click here for the full article.

Going to Extremes: Pro-Aborts Argue Pro-Life Health Amendment "Paves the Way to Religious Discrimination"

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The brewing pro-abortion vitriol against the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) for their role in adding pro-life Hyde-amendment language to the House health care bill has evolved in the week since the bill's passage, with new claims surfacing that the pro-life amendment amounts to "religious discrimination" against faith systems that might allow abortion.

Gordon Newby of the liberal online magazine Religion Dispatches issued a column Friday affirming that the amendment banning federal abortion funding means that "many religious Americans will be unable to live and act according to their own religious consciences and beliefs." He advances his argument by pointing to the Jewish Mishnah's ethical treatment of a life-threatening pregnancy, the ambiguity on abortion in Islam and Buddhism, and the historical Christian debate on when the soul enters the human body.
Click here for the full article.